VCAA Stories
College life stories, from the alumni of Vennnard, CEI and the affiliated schools.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Welcome to Story Board
Senior Chapel Infraction
In the 70s, chapel seating was alphabetical, and so students sat next to the same people every morning. Sharon couldn’t help but notice the students near her who slept during chapel, some occasionally, some frequently.
One was her friend who sat in front of her. On one of the mornings that her friend nodded off, she shook his shoulder and whispered, "You’ve been called on to pray!” He struggled to his feet, only to realize that the announcements were proceeding and in fact no one had asked him to do anything.
Another time, the chapel speaker asked everyone preparing for the ministry to stand. The student sitting next to Sharon was sleeping soundly through this, so she woke him and told him he was supposed to stand, and why. Of course, she knew that by the time he stood everyone else would be seated, which is exactly what happened. As she recalls it, he did not see the humor, “but his fiancée who was sitting in front of us could hardly control her giggling.”
That Guy Who Was Always Late
It was the start of freshman year for Larry and Sandy who were seated alphabetically next to each other in chapel. Back row, center of the row. Chapel began at 8:00, and when the chapel bell rang students had to be in their seats or they received a tardy slip. Sandy typically arrived with everyone else, getting to her seat so people wouldn’t have to get out of her way to let her to the center of the row.
Larry also typically arrived with everyone else. But he stood at the end of the row, waiting until everyone else was already in their seat. Grinning, and watching the clock, he would wait until just a few seconds remained. Then he would make his way down the row, causing everyone already there to have to stand, or to allow him to clamber over them.
Mrs. Anderson, who took attendance, did her best to stop this stunt; she lectured Larry, scowled at him, and shook her head. Each day she had her pen ready to write out the tardy slip, but each day he managed to get seated just as the bell rang.
A couple of weeks into the school year, Sandy was going to be on the platform during chapel for a presentation. The night before, she used twine to fasten Larry's chapel seat in the up position.
The next morning, a few minutes before 8:00, Sandy was on the platform with her group, having a perfect view of the back row of Larry loitering in the aisle while Mrs. Anderson lectured him. As the clock neared 8:00, Larry finally began his trek down the row. He reached his seat, as always, with a couple of seconds left. He confidently pulled down on the seat – and it didn’t move. The seconds were ticking away. Mrs. Anderson had noticed what was happening and she was advancing with her pen and tardy slips. As the bell rang, Larry was still standing. A couple seconds later he pulled hard enough to break the twine and lower the seat, just in time to receive the tardy slip Mrs. Anderson handed over his shoulder.
Assuming correctly who was responsible, Mrs. Anderson looked at the platform and waved a victory salute.
That Guy Who Was Always Late
But there was one issue that caused him great frustration. His student was not tall enough to reach all the organ pedals easily. In order to play Bach inventions, she was obliged to stand and balance on the pedals at the furthest ends and then to have to sit back down on the bench. She occasionally slipped off the pedal, losing her balance and nearly sliding off the bench altogether.
The instructor inquired of the music department about acquiring an additional, shorter, organ bench. But the budget just wouldn't allow it. That was where the student thought it would end. Then one day she arrived for her lesson to see that the instructor had set up a sawhorse and power saw in the chapel. He was halfway through the process of sawing and inch and a half off the bottom of the organ bench. He actually wanted to remove an additional inch from the bench, which would have been perfect for his student. But he knew that would be drastic enough to be noticed.
The student was more than willing to be sworn to secrecy, as she wasn't certain what the consequences would be. And she kept that secret, even when listening to senior students and faculty organists puzzling over what was off about the pedal placement.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Mud Pit
Tug of war over the mud pit,
What Jackie thought about this was revealed as the two front-runners rounded the corner of the mudpit. Jackie stepped forward, and nudged Don off his feet and into the mud pit, giving her brother the win and Don the well-deserved dunking.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Pizza Hut
- Chris Phillips and Michael Toy were part of a group determined to get their money's worth out of the "all-you-can-eat" luncheon buffet. They ate themselves into such a stupor they could barely make their way back to campus.
- Chris showed up in another adventure at Pizza Hut. Upon leaving, he discovered that his car has been stolen out of the parking lot. Deb Dill Foy could give you all the details on how that incident of grand theft auto occurred.
- Tim Watts annoyed his waitress when he placed a to-go order. He was actually eating in the restaurant and asked her what his table number was, then used the pay phone to call in an order to be delivered to his table number.
- Generally speaking, the Pizza Hut staff liked Vennard students. In particular, the girls who came in to get the last pizzas before closing never paid for pop.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Psychology of Religion Class
In the 1970s, President Harris taught a Seniors Honors Course, Psychology of Religion.Anyone who took the class knows exactly what this is.
The class was by invitation only, consisted of extensive reading and research, and required verbal participation in class sessions.
The verbal participation could be daunting. While you were giving your comments, it was not unusual for Dr. Harris to write something on the blackboard. Often it was a single word. You didn't know if you had said something that interested him, or if he was directing you to re-phrase before your comment went completely off track. While the blackboard notes could be nerve-wracking for the student, they resulted in one of Dr. Harris's favorite stories from this class.
One of the class sessions was a discussion of writings by a Dr. Belgum. In their comments on the subject, students were incorrectly pronouncing the name Belgium. Without interrupting the comments, Dr. Harris turned to the blackboard and wrote Gum. When he turned around, he saw Steve Rhoades attempting to quickly swallow his gum.
Dr. Harris re-told this story more than once and always with grin, remembering the look on Steve's face.
(For Psychology of Religion alums, we have the course work from 1978 at the website -- Syllabus, Lesson Notes, Mid-Semester Exam, Final Exam Bluebook. Go to the Education page.)
Missions Class
Missions class was in the classroom on the main floor near the stairs
to chapel. Greg and his friend were sitting together where they always sat, near the window. For some reason the topic came up of being called on to pray at the start of class. Greg commented that he never closed his eyes during prayer. He liked to see what everyone was doing when they were supposed to be praying. His friend said that at least he must close his eyes when he was the one praying, but Greg said nope, he just prayed aloud, looking around. His friend asked, didn’t he get distracted? Greg confidently said he could keep his train of thought no matter what.
A week later Greg and his friend were again sitting near the window. It was winter, and the radiators below the windows put out
so much heat, the windows were left open a crack to allow a drift of cold air in. That day, Greg was called on to pray.
He stood and began his prayer. His friend, watching, saw that Greg was indeed looking all around the room, leaning forward and backwards for
better views while he prayed. His friend then picked up Greg's rather expensive pen and tossed it out the window.
An irate holler, “Hey, my pen!” was how Greg's prayer
abruptly concluded, all eyes then on him as he mumbled amen and slumped down
into his seat.
It could only happen to a freshman
Missions Class
A lot of campus stories happened in the lower hallway of the Administration Building. Dr. Harris told this story that happened to him in part, but more significantly happened to a freshman in his first week of college.
This story happened at the beginning of the school year, in the busy lower hall of the Administration Building. It was just a couple minutes before time for chapel to start. Dr. Harris was about to leave the men's room, but the door was blocked. He pushed at the door again, and then decided to wait. He had heard the voices of Ray Adams and a freshman young man. Knowing Ray, Dr. Harris was certain he knew what was happening.
Spotted by a yearbook photographer
Pink Slip Summons
Pop Can Tag
In the spring of '78, two Southview residents came in possession of the can collection. (Southview was the house for junior and senior girls, across from the Women's Dorm.) It's not clear how the Southview residents came by the pop cans (better not to ask). It was finals time - very hectic, everyone very stressed. Some fun was needed to balance things out. Wanting to do something different, the Southview girls decided to hang them at night in the dining room, so that when everyone came in for breakfast there would be dozens of pop cans hanging from the ceiling.
The ground floor dining room in the Women's Dorm was available for girls to study late at night. During finals, bread and peanut butter were left out (thank you kitchen staff). So the dining room would typically have a few girls studying past midnight. The residents of Southview would be back in their own house by that time, so the girls waiting to hang the pop cans had to keep watch from outside.
Right away, there was a problem with the plan. Pop cans at that time did not have a ring that stayed on the can, and no ridges. Tying string to the cans wasn't working; the cans slipped out. So they taped the string to the top of the can. Standing on the tables, they then tied the other end of the string onto the ceiling tile supports.
After they had about 15 cans hung, it was beginning to look quite festive.
Then the first can fell. The dining room had hard table tops, and the polished concrete floor. No carpet, no table cloths. When the pop can fell it clattered as it bounced numerous times on the table, then onto the floor where it bounced several more times before rolling away.
That sound in the middle of the completely quiet night rang out like a cannon. The girls froze, and waited. They didn't hear any steps pounding down the stairs. Breathing a sigh of relief, they resumed work.
About 3 minutes later, the next can fell. And then they realized. All the cans were going to fall. And this time, they did hear footsteps heading down the stairs. They made an immediate decision - leave the cans and run for it, propping up the screen behind them.
They made it as far as the ditch in front of Southview when they looked back and saw someone in the dining room. They dropped flat into the ditch to avoid being seen. For there they could hear, every 3 minutes, the next can falling. And they could see lights coming on in the dorm.
They stayed there in the ditch until the last can fell, laughing quietly and hysterically. They knew no one would believe they hadn't planned for the falling cans. But in this one case, at least, they could be considered to be innocent, or at least not completely guilty.
Southview Stories
'Tis The Season
It just so happened that Professor Michael Toy had decided he didn't want Christmas decorations in his piano studio in the Music Building. I don't remember how the conversation occurred, but a few of us in his classes thought this was rather Scroogish behavior. Cindy and I decided to rectify the situation.
Monday, October 23, 2017
The last piece of the Victory Castle Mystery is solved
The Men's Dorm Parrot

They also had a talking parrot that had been given to Mrs. Vennard on a mission trip. At first, the parrot was allowed to fly freely in the building. But it turned out the bird had picked up some salty language earlier in its life and was not shy about using it. It was not language that Dr. Vennard wanted her son hearing. So, the parrot was confined to the lower floor of the Men's Dorm.
The parrot's new quarters had windows just at ground level. Not long after the parrot was relocated to the lower floor, the police arrived at the dorm. There had been complaints from young women about wolf whistles when they walked past this religious college.
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early CEI students |
That was the end of the parrot's residency in the men's dorm. A place in the country was found for him, making dorm life more peaceful. But he left a legacy of colorful stories.
Grover's Engagement
Grover had often helped drag unwilling victims into the cold bath and didn't want to join their ranks. Once his engagement was announced he knew they would be coming, so he was vigilant.